Monday, November 17, 2008

Be a rEbeL...

Change of direction:

With the onset of the nesting season for this year, we planned to head to pulicat lake. As a great boost to our idea a huge number of friends (say close to 25) showed interest in participating in the nature drive. Just about when we started to have some perfectionist approach towards our planning, a cyclone 'Khai-Muk' formed over the bay played as a destination changer.

We decided of having a final call on the morning of the trek. Slowely the number of trekkers started reducing and by sat evening it had reached to less than 10. It rained really heavy on sat evening stretching through the night and by the time when we had to make the final call on the trek it was quite overcast with the met department predicting the cyclone to cross the shore during the day before noon and we decided to change... not our mood to trek but our destination of trek.

Never say NO:

A very handfull of us.. Vivek,Suyog,Prasad,Raul,Sashi and Rakul didnt want to mark an empty sign to the calendar for that day after getting tuned to the trek mode.

There's a Trek Trail virtually everywhere:

And here comes a contigency plan of a micro or even it can well be called a nano trek. A trek to a dilapidated site well within the city and near one of its lifelines. Trisoolam hill - a place which had featured in most of the tamil movies as one of the prime most crime scene. As with the topography for the place goes.. the hill is located opposite to the chennai airport across the GST road and the southern TN railway line.

'Nano trek':

On visiting the place one can get the actual meaning of why this trek can be called a nano trek.Everything that's involved with this trek is of very less magnitude except for the amount of adventure that's been thrown by the place which is large in magnitude. A drive up the hill takes us through small winding roads through a very less dense jungle and scene of the city as one climbs up is scintillating. The road ends at a temporary barricade before a building that looks like a weather or radio centre with some police persons gurading the place.

Midst of Ruins:

The buildings over there perfectly shapeless giving a very ghostly look to the place. We then headed towards the summit where more ruins welcomed us. We passed through some huge banyan trees adding a novel touch to the scare scene.The place would be really scary if one goes there alone.

As we climbed a short distance of steps to the top, we came into the ruins of what looked like a mosque with some tombs outside the building.

There were plants and bricks and structures left over around the main building and it had quite a few inlets. We could see the other sides from some angles through the destroyed building.

Sunning on the mount:

It was a perfect evening with sun seeting over the horizon and the sight of sun through the ruins gave a better setting for our hungry cams...

We went around the place,enjoyed the city scape and involved in a small discusion of finding the places and its directions.

Final showdown:

It was totally a different experience over there that evening amidst the ruins,sunset and trees. But the best part of the place is the view of the airport from the top. I doubt even the viewer's lounge inside the airport will have a better view of flights taking off and landing. It was looking awesome especially at night with all lights over the runway and the airport.

Masti ki Paatshala...

By the time we started to return it was pitch dark through the ghat way with city lights casting a magic spell below. With the lights from our bikes searching for a route in the dark, it reminded similar scenes from Rang De Basanti where the Aamir and gang descend from the mountain in bikes.

The hill could well be the perfect spot for an evening of adventure.

P.S: It was bright sunny through the day with cloudless sky. But no complaints as we got a great adventure in trisoolam and it actually helped us to have some bigger plan and a much bigger group for pulicat... Thanks to the met dept for their consistency! :-)


sumoka said...

hey , really a lovely experience.. would like to go again with more time at hands... liked the way u have split in chapters.slowly we are establishing ourselves as a group..gr8 going!

Prasad Dudhgaonkar said...

Reading the article was like visiting the place again. The place is amazing. It's the photographer's paradise. Also there is a lot of scope for research about the place. I expect less haze in the atmosphere and a better visibility in the summer.

vivek mantra said...

the blog is nicely framed and the photos are good..
Trek avocation is surely on its way to go...

J P Joshi said...

Really enjoyed the post. The photographs are beautiful. I was not aware that the hill close to the airport is so picturesque. You have motivated me to do this trip too. Thank you.

Raja said...

Hi friends Iam from The place called gudium caves....If u need favour then call up on 9494367516,

Iam a Btech gradute and working the capacity of quality head for a private food division at banglore.

i born and boughtup in Gudium sorroundings...Great to see these postings which is making me proud to listen that my place is also became popular.And i use to be there atleast once in 3 months for this place....unpolluted air,virgin soil....sunlight,great evenings